Difference: TWikiPrefsPrefsCacheDotPm (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42008-01-22 - TWikiContributor

Line: 33 to 33

ObjectMethod finish ()

Break circular references.


ObjectMethod finalise ($parent)

Finalise preferences in this cache, by freezing any preferences

Line: 57 to 62

ObjectMethod insert ($type,$key,$val)


ObjectMethod insert ($type,$key,$val) -> $boolean

  Adds a key-value pair of the given type to the object. Type is Set or Local. Callback used for the Prefs::Parser object, or can be used to add
Line: 65 to 70
  Note that attempts to redefine final preferences will be ignored.
Returns 1 if the preference was defined, 0 otherwise.

ObjectMethod stringify ($html,\%shown) -> $text

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