Difference: TWikiPreferencesForm (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32009-03-30 - TWikiContributor

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WIKIWEBLIST textarea   Main     TWiki     Sandbox   S
ATTACHFILESIZELIMIT text 30 3000 Maximum size of attachments in KB, 0 for no limit S
BROADCASTMESSAGE textarea     Broadcast message on every page, for skins that support it. S
SEARCHDEFAULTTTYPE select 1 keyword,literal,regex Default type for search S
SEARCHDEFAULTTYPE select 1 keyword,literal,regex Default type for search S
SEARCHVARDEFAULTTYPE select 1 keyword,literal,regex Default for %SEARCH{}% variable S
SEARCHSTOPWORDS textarea   a, all, am, an, and, any, as, at, b, be, by, c, d, e, for, from, g, h, how, i, i'm, i.e., in, is, isn't, it, it's, its, j, k, l, m, n, o, of, on, or, p, q, r, s, t, that, that's, the, this, to, u, v, w, was, wasn't, what, what's, when, where, who, who's, will, with, x, y, z Stop words, e.g., common words and characters to exclude from a keyword search S
WIKIWEBMASTER text 30 webmaster@example.com TWiki administrator e-mail address S
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