Difference: TWikiPreferences (89 vs. 90)

Revision 902015-05-07 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Site-Level Preferences

This topic defines site-level settings that apply to all users and webs on this TWikiSite.

Line: 125 to 125
    • HELP NOTE: Keyword $name gets expanded to filename; $comment to comment; \t to tab (3 spaces for bullets).
<-- verbatim tag required to prevent error in Apache log; does not suppress Set -->
    • Set ATTACHEDFILELINKFORMAT = \n * $name: $comment
    • Set ATTACHEDFILELINKFORMAT = \n * $name: $comment

  • Format of images when the link check box is checked:
Line: 270 to 270
  ParameterizedVariables for global use are defined here.
  • Children search:
    • Set CHILDREN = %METASEARCH{ type="parent" web="%web{ default="" }%" topic="%topic{ default="" }%" format="%format{ default="$topic" }%" separator="%separator{ default=", " }%" }%
  • TWikiDashboardAddOn variable, documented in VarDASHBOARD:
    • Set DASHBOARD = %INCLUDE{ "TWiki.TWikiDashboardAddOn" section="%section%" %IF{ "'%height{ default="" }%'!=''" then="height=\"%height%\"" }% %IF{ "'%width{ default="" }%'!=''" then="width=\"%width%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%image{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="image=\"%image%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%title{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="title=\"%title%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button1{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button1=\"%button1%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button2{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button2=\"%button2%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button3{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button3=\"%button3%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button4{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button4=\"%button4%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button5{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button5=\"%button5%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button6{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button6=\"%button6%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button7{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button7=\"%button7%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%button8{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="button8=\"%button8%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%style{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="style=\"%style%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%titlestyle{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="titlestyle=\"%titlestyle%\"" }% %IF{ "'%ENCODE{ "%contentstyle{ default="" }%" type="entity" }%'!=''" then="contentstyle=\"%contentstyle%\"" }% }%
Line: 437 to 440
    • Set ENDBG =
      * Set TWOCOLUMNS = <div class="twikiTwoColumns">
      * Set THREECOLUMNS = <div class="twikiThreeColumns">
      * Set FOURCOLUMNS = <div class="twikiFourColumns">
      * Set ENDCOLUMNS = </div>

Miscellaneous Settings

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiPreferences.