Difference: TWikiPreferences (58 vs. 59)

Revision 592004-01-04 - PeterThoeny

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TWiki Site-Level Preferences

The following are site-level settings that affect all users in all webs on this TWikiSite. They can be selectively overwritten on the individual web level (see WebPreferences in each web), and on the user level (create preferences in your user account topic in the Main web, ex: TWikiGuest).

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Web Preferences


Default Web Preferences

  ALERT! NOTE: They are typically redefined in individual WebPreferences topics
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    • Set INCLUDEWARNING = Note: Included topic $topic does not exist yet

User Settings


Default User Settings

  ALERT! NOTE: They are typically redefined in topics of individual TWikiUsers
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  • Maximum size of FileAttachments in KB, 0 for no limit:

Email and Proxy Server Settings


Search Settings

  • Default type for search, one of: keyword (for search engine like syntax), regex (for RegularExpression search), or literal (for verbatim search)
    • Set SEARCHDEFAULTTTYPE = keyword
  • Default for %SEARCH{}% variable, one of: keyword, regex, or literal
  • Stop words, e.g., common words and characters to exclude from a keyword search:
    • Set SEARCHSTOPWORDS = a, all, am, an, and, any, as, at, b, be, by, c, d, e, for, from, g, h, how, i, i'm, i.e., in, is, isn't, it, it's, its, j, k, l, m, n, o, of, on, or, p, q, r, s, t, that, that's, the, this, to, u, v, w, was, wasn't, what, what's, when, where, who, who's, will, with, x, y, z

Email and Proxy Server Settings

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Plugins Settings




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Plugins Settings


Miscellaneous Settings

  • Line break:
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiPreferences.