Difference: TWikiPlugins (36 vs. 37)

Revision 372012-11-24 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Plugins

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  Some plugins require additional settings or offer extra options that you have to select. Also, you may want to make a plugin available only in certain webs, or temporarily disable it. And may want to list all available plugins in certain topics. You can handle all of these management tasks with simple procedures:

Enabling Plugins


Enabling/Disabling Plugins

Plugins can be enabled and disabled with the configure script. An installed plugin needs to be enabled before it can be used.
Plugins can be enabled and disabled with the configure script in the Plugins section. An installed plugin needs to be enabled before it can be used.

Plugin Evaluation Order

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiPlugins.