Difference: PatternSkinCustomization (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92005-10-22 - TWikiContributor

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PatternSkin Customization


PatternSkin Customization

  Guidelines how to create and customize page templates. For styling your TWiki using stylesheets, see PatternSkinCssCookbook.
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  twiki css viewtopbar
  viewleftbar WebLeftBar viewtopicactionbuttons viewbottombar


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  Using logo.gif:
  • Create a new image named logo.gif and attach it to the web's WebPreferences topic. PatternSkin's stylesheet assumes the logo is 40px high. More about that later.
  • Create a new image named logo.gif and attach it to the web's WebPreferences topic. PatternSkin's stylesheet assumes the logo is 40px high. More about that later.
  • You can also upload the image with FTP to /pub/YourWeb/WebPreferences/.
  • Copy the above instructions ("Redefine your custom variables") and insert your logo name.
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I want to change the white space above and below the logo

Change the table style in topic WebTopBar. The default top padding is 11px.
Change the table style in topic WebTopBar. The default top padding is 11px.

Top bar

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  Using style sheets:
Create a new stylesheet with above definition in it, attach it to a topic and point USERLAYOUTURL to that topic attachment. See PatternSkinCssCookbook about creating custom styles.
Create a new stylesheet with above definition in it, attach it to a topic and point USERLAYOUTURL to that topic attachment. See PatternSkinCssCookbook about creating custom styles.

I want to set or change the top background image

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  Redefine your custom variables in Main.TWikiPreferences (to keep TWikiPreferences intact):

  • Set WEBHEADERART = %PUBURLPATH%/%TWIKIWEB%/PatternSkin/TWiki_header.gif
  • Set WEBHEADERART = %PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/PatternSkin/TWiki_header.gif
  • Set WEBHEADERBGCOLOR = somehexcolor (no quotes, for example: #ffffff)
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  If you have localization enabled, you will also see a language dropdown box at the far right.
You can remove these items from WebTopBar.
You can remove these items from WebTopBar.

I want to hide the top bar

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In the user page of TWikiGuest, set the cover to
In the user page of TWikiGuest, set the cover to
   * Set COVER = customer
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.PatternSkinCustomization.