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META TOPICPARENT name="InstalledPlugins"

Matrix Plugin

Generates a matrix in table form. Input are two lists, containing the values for the x and y axis. The lists may be given directly, or as TWiki variables.

In effect, it is similar to a nested use of the FOREACH variable (see ForEachPlugin), but it will work better for complex substitutions in the cell content, since there is only one "replace". Also, it is easier to use.

Basic Usage

Using the two lists X and Y defined at the end of this topic, we generate an X*Y matrix like this:

  xtext="Eins, Zwei, Drei"
  corner="Letter \ Digit"

This gives

%MATRIX{ x="1,2,3" y="a,b,c" corner="Letter \ Digit" cell="$x:$y" xtext="Eins, Zwei, Drei" ytext="Aa,Bb,Cc"}%


The parameters prefixed with $ will be provided for the templates, whenever it makes sense from the context. In particular, in the cell template, $x, $y, $xtext and $ytext are available.

Name Description
<-- -->
Sorted ascending
Template variable
xtext Concomitant for x, can be used in templates $xtext
ytext Concomitant for y, can be used in templates $ytext
verbatim For debugging. If true, shows generated Twiki markup  
cell Template for cell Template
corner Text for the upper left corner of the matrix  
x The horizontal values $x
y The vertical values $y
xtitle Title template for x Template
ytitle Title template for y Template

Additionally, to allow delayed rendering of generated TWiki variable calls, the variable $percnt can be used.

  • Set X=1,2,3
  • Set Y=a,b,c

-- RuedigerPlantiko - 2012-11-09

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.MatrixPlugin.