Difference: ManagingUsers (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92011-06-05 - TWikiContributor

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Manage Users

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Register User


List Users

You don't have to have user home pages in TWiki for Authentication to work - see TWikiUserAuthentication for details.

Register Users

You don't have to have user profile pages in TWiki for Authentication to work - see TWikiUserAuthentication for details.

  • TWikiRegistration is used when you want new users to individually register with TWiki by filling out a form

Change, Reset and Install Passwords

For administrators only:

  • BulkRegistration to register multiple users at the same time
  • Default user profile page form definition and template:
    • UserForm in TWiki web - form definition (do not change)
    • NewUserTemplate in TWiki web - template page (do not change)
  • Customized user profile page form definition and template:
    • UserForm in Main web - form definition (clone from the one in the TWiki web and customize)
    • NewUserTemplate in Main web - template page (clone from the one in the TWiki web and customize)

Query and Edit User Account Data (Passwords, E-mails)

  Note that the below features are only relevant when you use an internal password manager where TWiki can set and reset passwords.

  • ChangePassword is for users who can remember their password and want to change it
  • ResetPassword is for users who cannot remember their password; a system generated password is e-mailed to them
For administrators only:


Changing User Account Names

To change the user's WikiName:

  • Rename the user's TWiki homepage in the Main web, such as from JaneSmith to JaneMiller.
  • Rename the user profile page in the Main web, such as from JaneSmith to JaneMiller.
    • Fix backlinks in the Main web only
    • Make sure the group topics are updated (if any.)
  • Edit the Main.TWikiUsers topic and move the user's entry so that the list is in proper alphabetical order.
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 Submitted content: %FORMDATA%
META PREFERENCE name="ALLOWTOPICCHANGE" title="ALLOWTOPICCHANGE" type="Set" value="Main.TWikiAdminGroup"

Note: Remember to secure the topic appropriately to prevent attackers from getting emailed sensitive passwords.

Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory
Related topics: UserToolsCategory, AdminToolsCategory

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.ManagingUsers.