Difference: ManagingTopics (18 vs. 19)

Revision 192005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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How Referring Topics Are Found

Referring topics are found using the %SEARCH% variable - see the template searchrenameview.tmpl. First, matching topics in the current web are listed - matches are to topic. Next, all webs (including the current one) are listed that match web.topic. Because %SEARCH% is used, webs marked in WebPreferences as NOSEARCHALL will not show up in the search for references to the topic being changed.
First, matching topics in the current web are listed - matches are to topic. Next, all webs (including the current one) are listed that match web.topic. All webs will be searched during rename, even if NOSEARCHALL is defined on a web, though access permissions will of course be honoured.
  Changed references are kept are as short as possible, ex: topic is used in preference to web.topic.
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-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 27 Dec 2001

META TOPICMOVED by="MikeMannix" date="999329908" from="TWiki.RenameTopic" to="TWiki.ManagingTopics"
Related Topics: UserDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory
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