Difference: ManagingTopics (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122001-09-15 - MikeMannix

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Warning: Can't find topic TWiki.UtilTempDocNote

Managing Topics

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Select Rename/move when viewing a topic to change its name, move it to another TWiki web, or delete it:
Using browser controls while viewing a topic, you change its name, move it to another TWiki web, or delete it:
  1. Select target web if other than the current web - chose Trash to delete a topic
  2. Enter the new topic name - default is current name
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Referring Topics

Referring topics are found using the the %SEARCH% variable, see the template searchrenameview.tmpl. First, matching topics in the current Web are listed - matches are to topic. Next, all Webs (including the current one) are listed that match web.topic. Because %SEARCH% is used, Webs marked in WebPreferences as NOSEARCHALL will not show up in the search for refernces to the topic being changed.
Referring topics are found using the the %SEARCH% variable, see the template searchrenameview.tmpl. First, matching topics in the current Web are listed - matches are to topic. Next, all Webs (including the current one) are listed that match web.topic. Because %SEARCH% is used, Webs marked in WebPreferences as NOSEARCHALL will not show up in the search for refernces to the topic being changed.
  Changed references are kept are as short as possible, i.e. topic is used in preference to web.topic.
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-- MikeMannix - 15 Sep 2001
META TOPICMOVED by="MikeMannix" date="999329908" from="TWiki.RenameTopic" to="TWiki.ManagingTopics"
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