Difference: FileAttachment (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82001-12-03 - MikeMannix

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File Attachments

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Uploading Files

  • To upload: Click on the Attach link at the bottom of each page. A form is shown where you can browse for a file and upload it. The uploaded file will show up in the File Attachment table.
    • Files of any type can be uploaded. Some files that might impose a security risk are renamed, ex: *.php files are renamed to *.php.txt.
    • Currently there is no file size limit besides the disk space on the server.
    • The previous upload path is retained for convenience. In case you make some changes to the local file and want to upload it, again you can copy the previous upload path into the Local file field.

Downloading Files

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  • The first table is a list of all attachments, including their attributes. An h means the attachment is hidden, it isn't listed when viewing a topic.

  • The second table is all the versions of the attachment. Click on View to see that version. If it's the most recent version, you'll be taken to an URL that always displays the latest version, which is usually what you want.
    • To change the comment on an attachment, enter a new comment and then click Change properties. Note that the comment listed against the specific version will not change, however the comment displayed when viewing the topic does change.
    • To hide/unhide an attachment, enable the Hide file checkbox, then click Change properties.

Known Issues

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.FileAttachment.