Difference: BulkRegistration (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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META TOPICPARENT name="ManagingUsers"

Bulk Registration

The TWikiAdminGroup can use BulkRegistration to register (i.e. create logins and UserTopics) for a group of people quickly.
Administrators can use this topic to register (i.e. create logins and UserTopics) for a group of people quickly.
 Create a table in the REGISTERTOPIC named below, setting each row to represent each user and each column to correspond to the metadata. Then press the button on this page to perform registration for those users. Unlike normal registration the administrator is assumed to have correct e-mail addresses for the users, so no verification is required.
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Bulk Registration usage

Any fields you define in this table will end up in the User's topic. If a form (such as UserForm) is attached to NewUserTemplate then the data will go in as META:FIELDS, meaning that you can use SEARCH formfield constructs to search.
Any fields you define in this table will end up in the User's topic. If a form (such as UserForm) is attached to NewUserTemplate then the data will go in as META:FIELDS, meaning that you can use SEARCH formfield constructs to search.
If you use the UserForm then ensure that it contains all the fields you define here. Otherwise they will disappear when the user edits their home topic!
If you use the UserForm then ensure that it contains all the fields you define here. Otherwise they will disappear when the user edits their home topic!

Mandatory fields

  • WikiName
  • FirstName
  • LastName
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  • Define where to pick up the table of users to register
  • Use this to define where to log the bulk registration process. It needs to be a topic name in this web.
  • Set this to 1 to make the bulk registration overwrite any existing user topics. By default, existing user topics are left alone.

Example format

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To use this:

  1. Make sure that the Custom fields appear on the UserForm
  1. Make sure that the Custom fields appear on the UserForm
  1. Copy the above table to your clipboard
  2. Click through and paste this on UnprocessedRegistrations, save the topic and return here.
  3. Click the Bulk register button below
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  1. The first row of the table dictates the heading format and that the fieldnames must be plain, i.e. must not contain bolded entries.
  1. You are responsible for ensuring that the fieldnames appear in the Main.UserForm
  2. Only members of the TWikiAdminGroup can run this.
  1. You are responsible for ensuring that the fieldnames appear in the TWiki.UserForm
  2. Only administrators can run this.
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.BulkRegistration.