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How to Use Display Disparity on Pioneer3DX |
- In terminal, within the directory of the file, mv raw_decimate.launch /opt/ros/indigo/share/image_proc/launch && mv resize.launch /opt/ros/indigo/share/image_proc/launch
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- In the new terminal, roscd image_proc && roslaunch raw_decimate.launch
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- In the new terminal, roscd image_proc && cd launch && roslaunch raw_decimate.launch
- (worse image) for 10 FPS on the robot and 5 FPS on the server, set decimation_x and decimation_y to value="4" for both left_decimator and right_decimator
- (better image) for 3.5 FPS on the robot and 2.6 FPS on the server, set decimation_x and decimation_y to value="2" for both left_decimator and right_decimator
- On the server/robot, in a new terminal, run ROS_NAMESPACE=camera_crop rosrun stereo_image_proc stereo_image_proc _approximate_sync:=True
- To view the disparity map alone, use "rosrun image_view disparity_view image:=/camera_crop/disparity"
- To view the depth_map use: "rosrun image_view image_view image:=/depth_raw" (HAS NOT BEEN TESTED)
- To view pointcloud, use: "rosrun rviz rviz" AND set the Fixed Frame to stereo_camera
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- There's more information at the following links: