Difference: GoogleCSR (14 vs. 15)

Revision 152021-04-21 - LabTech

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META TOPICPARENT name="FordhamRoboticsAndComputerVisionLaboratory"

GoogleCSR Autonomous Robotics Project Spring 2001

Autonomous Robot Exploration

Line: 225 to 225
 **By 4/21 Each team will transmit a traditional poster, a set of slides and a recorded presentation 6-7 minutes long. Workshop 4/23 -- Poster/Video from each team showing results**
Suggested slide sequence
  • Title slide, title names of team, schools, pictures?
  • Objective - what problem are you solving - make sure to use images and visual as well as words
  • what did you need to learn to address this: ROS, Gazebo simulator, ROS Gmapping stack, Turtlrbot3 robot
  • Why does wander not do a good job, shown examples
  • What strategy do you propose to address this and what data structure will you need (eg 2D pose histogram or wall histogram etc)
  • describe how you get the data structures and what they look like
  • present some results of running these and comment on effectiveness and how you measure it

Have a short video sequence of your best strategy run

Video is 6-7 minutes, each team member talk to 2 or 3 of the slides. Its not really a video, just add narration to your slides e.g., in powerpoint or whatever and save the result as an mp4

 WORKSHOP April 23rd!!
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