Difference: GoogleCSR (13 vs. 14)

Revision 142021-04-21 - LabTech

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META TOPICPARENT name="FordhamRoboticsAndComputerVisionLaboratory"

GoogleCSR Autonomous Robotics Project Spring 2001

Autonomous Robot Exploration

Line: 222 to 222
  * W8 4/19: *
By 4/21 Each team will transmit a traditional poster, a set of slides and a recorded presentation 6-7 minutes long. Workshop 4/23 -- Poster/Video from each team showing results
**By 4/21 Each team will transmit a traditional poster, a set of slides and a recorded presentation 6-7 minutes long. Workshop 4/23 -- Poster/Video from each team showing results**
  WORKSHOP April 23rd!!
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