Difference: FRCVLabMLSAFiles (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22017-07-14 - DamianLyons

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MLSA_logo.png Data Files

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-- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision

Revision 12017-07-12 - AnneMarieBogar

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MLSA_logo.png Data Files

There are three kinds of data files in MLSA:

  1. data files that contain a monolingual Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) in text format
  2. data files the contain monolingual AST in JSON format
  3. data files in comma separated values format (CSV) that contain the results of various kinds of static analysis
If a source code file is called NAME.X where NAME is the root file name and X is the language suffix (e.g. test.cpp or analyze.py, etc.) then the data files are named using this root file name as follows:

  • AST files: NAME.X_ast.txt or NAME.X_ast.json
  • Monolingual procedure call graph files: NAME.X_call.csv
  • Monolingual procesure call graph files with API integration: NAME.X_finalcall.csv
  • Combined multilingual call graph file: NAME_callgraph.csv
  • Combined function file: NAME_funcs.csv
  • Forward flow control file: NAME.X_fcfg.csv
  • Reverse flow control file: NAME.X_rcfg.csv
  • Monoligual variable assignments: NAME.X_vars.csv
  • Monolingual reaching definitions analysis: NAME.X_rda.csv


  • Persons/group who can view/change the page:

-- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision

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