Difference: FRCVBatteryPRpage (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32017-06-08 - DamianLyons

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The FRCV Battery Booster for Pioneer 3AT Robots

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 The connector we used between the batteries and the bot itself was a standard RV connector -- allowing for a quick connect/disconnect.

boosterfront.JPG FRCVbatterybooster.jpg
boostercloseup.JPG boosteright.JPG

To test the new battery pack, the robot was confined within a 20 meter-sq area and the wander mode of the Mobilerobots Aria Demo program invoked. The robot was timed from full charge to full-stop for the regular battery case and the batter booster pack case. The robot lasted for over twice as long with the booster pack! See the testing in progress Testing Video.

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