name="PARS-verification" |
Adding a new n-ary operator, ie a function, to matheval
Example, lets add the 2-ary function tss_blah(a,b).
Step 1: Edit scanner.l and add
to the of the constants list. The '|' is the flex operator for OR, since constants is a list of possible names and it must separate the names.
Step 2: Edit symbol_tableV.c and add
"tss_blah" to the intialized list of names functions_2V_names
tss_blah to the initialized list of functional pointers functions_2V
(If you waated new 3-ary functions, add to functions_3V_names etc)
Step 3: Put in an external declaration for the function in dlibinterface.h
extern void *tss_blah(void *arg1, void *arg2)
functions take and return data as void *, because there are many different types. They need to be cast at some point to the right type.
You can directly add a C function to xmathV.c and xmathV.h if you want a local function. This is good for functions that calculate simplile stuff.
However, if you need MOGS, c++ etc, then go to the nextstep
Step 4: Only do this if you did not do a local function in xmathV.c, add to xmathV.h as well
Make a function in dlibinterface.cpp that does the work you need done
extern "C" void *tss_blah(void *a1, void *a2) {
stuff in here
Step 5: Probably don't need to do this.
It is the assumption that functions return reals. If you don't return a type real, then you may need to have the type of the return figured out.
This is done in evaluate node in nodeV.c, under the 'f' switch case.
For 1-ary and 2-ary functions, real is the only currently implementd case.
For 3-ary functions, the type of the argumentsis used to decide on the type of the result.
tss_condD(takes a real, a mog and a mog and returns a mog. tss_pdiff takes a mog, a mog and a real and returns a real.
For 3-ary functions the variable argtypes_flag is used as a binary flag to remember the types of the arguments.
Files change checklist:
scanner.l, symbol_tableV.c, symbol_tableV.h, dlibinterface.h, dlibinterface.cpp, xmathV.c, xmathV.h
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-- (c) Fordham University Robotics and Computer Vision |